Friday, July 01, 2005

Captured, captivated, complete ...

Captured ... by the light
Captivated ... by the moment
Complete ... by the feeling


Aradhita said...

True..:-)except that this one isnt dirty enuf!

Anonymous said...

and you have...
captured my my heart
captivated my soul
completed my being...

Anonymous said...

Suspened in the moment of all that exists in between lightness and darkness. Captured. Captivated. Complete. Comtemplative. Carried away by your ability to caputre the unseen and hold it up to the light, however briefly, before it reverts to being what it is. Dawn

the woman said...


Paul said...

Usually I get what you're doing, but this one's less clear to me.

I mean, what's going on. To me she almost looks captured in the sense of being about to get thrown off a bridge...?

But I do find my eyesight not the greatest for darker colors/backgrounds...

mermaid said... the writer.

Lorena said...

amazing! how creative. how captivating. there is nothing more passionate than 2 bodies in dance.

{illyria} said...

killer ending. and the photo was great.

Jyotsna said...

awesome picture and simple yet captivating words...!

Unknown said...


Bonatellis said...

:-) ... (wanted to showcase my intellectual prudence here, but am at a loss for words)

Anonymous said...

Nice photograph to compliment the words..

-Poison- said...

completeness is divine, and hence unattainable...yet inevitable.

Diane said...

The ability to accept the feeling of completeness is up to each of us. For some, it will always be elusive; for others, it comes naturally.

Beautiful pictures and words, as always A.

S.L. Corsua said...

A moment immortalized. ^_^ Loved the photo; it has a dreamscape feel to it.

Blue Athena said...

Hey :A:! Nice pic.

Captured mid-air
Captivated in the moment
Complete in his arms...

...with the back to the blinding lights in the backdrop. :)

thoughts said...


. : A : . said...

Aradhita - I guess it is not.

Anonymous - Then come out of hiding? ;-)

dawn - Thanks for your words. Lovely.

the woman, Potted-flower, transience, Jyotsna, Sudarshan, Soulless, thoughts - Thanks.

finnegan - Haha. Shot this at a dance show that was going on as I happened to be passing by.

Paul - This was a dance show. Don't worry, she was not being thrown off a bridge. ;-)

mermaid, perspective, Bonatellis - :-)

Lorena - Agree.

Putative Insanity - That is why we desire it so.

Poison - Nice thought. Thanks for dropping by.

Diva Drip - Wise words. Thanks.

Blue Athena - Thanks for your added verse.

irina - Both together?

Brood Mode said...

beautiful words... disturbing pic. dunno y...

. : A : . said...

Brood Mode - Thanks. Maybe it is the 'letting go' in the pic?

gulnaz said...

there is something so wonderful about dancing, even watching somebody dance can create mirror feeling in the audience. a warm, warm, warm different too from your the ones you usually post.
what can i say about the words? in just a few words you have conveyed the moment and the feeling completely.
i hope completeness is not a myth. the desire is too acute, the in-complete-ness too has to be there!

jaded said...

amazing, u have a gift

. : A : . said...

gulnaz - Thanks a lot for your lovely words.

jaded - *bows*

Anonymous said...

Sorry for omitting to sign - I posted the above.