Friday, January 28, 2005

The promise of spring

So surreal
Almost unreal
The appearance
Of the tulips
And the promise
Of spring

They bring
With them
Of a new beginning
With the beauty
Of white around green

Thanks to Diva Drip for this beautiful and inspiring picture.


Martin said...

Great poetry Billy. The flow and ryhmn are just perfect. Photograpn is very good too! Congrats to the taker!

:: Luna ::

DementedPhotographer said...

Amazing, the perseverence.


Jessica said...

Tulips are an amazing sort....great one .:A:. I always like poems about renewl, and this one sings of a new begining.

. : A : . said...

Phal - Welcome back! Thanks for the lovely comment.

luz de la luna - "Billy"?

Garrison Steelle - Thanks.

Jessica - Yes, they are! Glad you liked the poem.

. : A : . said...

Queen Mo - The tulips out of the snow, leave you pining for it, don't they? ;-)

Diane said...

It looks lovely with your words and background, A. Thanks for the link, and for adding your personal touch.

. : A : . said...

My pleasure Diva. Thanks for taking the picture and letting me put it up!


Pincushion said...

Amazing ! You are quite right, again the essence is the same, tho' the styles different. You think we got some telepathy going here ;-) ?
Looks like I missed this post of yours, can't see a previous comment by me and we ended up writing the same thing !
I saw the daffodils springing up back on my way home and couldn't help thinking all those thoughts...
Your post is lovely and full of hope..

. : A : . said...

Pincushion - Maybe there is some telepathy? Lets wait and watch the next few posts! ;-)

G Shrivastava said...

Don't know what's more beautiful - the photograph or the verse!

. : A : . said...

Geetanjali - Thanks. I like both, but it was the picture that inspired me to write to words!

iamnasra said...

Its true sometime it is the photo or an image in your mind allow you to spark thoughts and words

So surreal
Almost unreal
The appearance
Of the tulips
And the promise
Of spring

They bring
With them
Of a new beginning
With the beauty
Of white around green

. : A : . said...

iamnasra - Yes it is.