Saturday, March 19, 2005

I have seen

“I have seen it all unfold before my very own eyes.”

“And pray, what is it that you have seen unfold?”

“I have seen time unfold, my friend. I have seen the secrets come out from within. I have seen seasons come and go. I have seen him. I have seen her. I have seen their end. I have seen it all.”

“Do you really think you have seen it all?”

“Of course.”

“But there could be so much more to it, that you did not see.”

“Well, there could. But I have seen it all.”

“What if I told you about something that you have not seen?”

“You couldn’t possibly. For everyday that you have seen, I have seen a year. What could you have seen that I have not?”

“I have seen time become timeless, my friend. I have seen secrets being created. I have seen seasons merge into each other. I have seen him through her eyes. I have seen her through his eyes. I have seen that what you think is their end, is only the beginning. I have not seen it all, but I have seen.”


mermaid said...

There is someone else out there who believes there is more to life than that which meets the naked human eye.

:..M..: said...

"time become timeless". This is rather uncanny..but I thought of some lines in a poem with those very words.

Ofcourse, I never penned mine down..or we'd both be quite surprised!

:..M..: said...

"time become timeless". This is rather uncanny..but I thought of some lines in a poem with those very words.

Ofcourse, I never penned mine down..or we'd both be quite surprised!

The Bard said...

a lifetime isnt enough to see it all. there's always so much more to see, to feel. n that's why we always long to live more.

Elixir said...

arrogance and humility
jaded and innocent
thoughtless and perceptive
superego and id
elder and child
me and me
:) which is it??

Anonymous said...

This sounds so poetic! I wish I could see things as the second person does. That would be nice! :)

Miss Qt

Jessica said...

I have seen enough that sometimes I want to avert my eyes and pretend I didn't know. This piece is perfect, not one word should be changed. You have painted an intriging ides. Kudos to you!

Anonymous said...

would'nt we all like to believe that we have seen it all???
what u have written is thought- provoking indeed

livinghigh said...

;-) i wrote something of the sort a long time back, but am not exactly sure where i put away the damn thing. will check out whether i still have it, and post it sometime.

Prat said...

To word an emotion, to touch laughter...classic examples of existentialism you've thrown our way. Thank you.

Adrian Neibauer said...

This reminds me of a philosophical dialogue between two people (perhaps Locke?) Anyway, very well written. You express yourself well when you use dialogue.

erratica said...

this sounds like the film, hiroshima mon amour.

. : A : . said...

PoeticMermaid - Yes, there is. :-)

:..M..: - Which poem? Would love to see it!

la devil - It isn't. Agree with you.

Elixir - :-) It could be any!

Miss Qt, Jessica, stan laurel - Thanks.

aparna - Thanks. A lot of people would like to believe they have seen it all.

livinghigh - Will have a look at it soon!

Prat - Thank you too!

Shanker - Yes, it is. Thanks.

erratica - I didn't know it did. Thanks for letting me know.