Thursday, December 02, 2004


He was happy before he met her.

And then she happened. She happened when he was not looking out. She happened when he did not want anything to happen. When he was not looking for anything to happen. But she did.

It was not expected.

They were meeting innocently for the first time. Not aware what was going to happen and how the future was going to turn for them. They looked at each other and considerations were made. The considerations did not match. He had something else on his mind. She had something else. The two things were related but they were not the same.

And so it was born.

The meeting extended beyond time and place. They moved locations. They moved atmospheres. They moved thoughts. They thought different thoughts. Innocent thoughts, harmless thoughts. Innocent and harmless to themselves. But not necessarily the other.

Then things that were not supposed to happen happened. Then things that were supposed to happen happened.

He was happy before he met her. Now he is in another world.

* * *

I was unhappy before I met her.

She was supposed to happen to me. I was looking out for her. I wanted her to happen to me. I was looking out for something to happen to me. But she didn't.

It was not expected.

They were meeting innocently for the first time. I was not aware what was going to happen and how the future was going to turn for me. They looked at each other and considerations were made. The considerations did not match. I didn't know that he had something else on his mind. I knew that she had something else on hers. The two things were related but they were not the same.

And so it was born.

The meeting extended beyond time and place. We moved locations. We moved atmospheres. We moved thoughts. They thought different thoughts. Innocent thoughts, harmless thoughts. Innocent and harmless to themselves. But not necessarily the other.

Then things that were not supposed to happen happened. Things that were supposed to happen to me happened to him.

I was unhappy before I met her. Now I am in another world.


Ubermensch said...

delicate!!exquisite syntaxes, i had written something a like long back;where is her perspective...?

DementedPhotographer said...

Very, very wonderful.


Toni said...

So real. Beautiful.

Diane said...

Poetry. Thank you.

aa said...

Life is not about certainty and it does not often give us what we expect to have.

What you wrote was beautiful. Very nice.

. : A : . said...

ubermensch - Thanks. Send me a link of what you wrote, in case you put it up. Would love to see it. There is no 'her' perspective in this one, but if you want to see one with 'her' perspective you can check out an old post:

Garrison Steelle, Toni, Diva Drip, Free Spirit - Thanks for your lovely words of appreciation!


Pincushion said...

Different worlds contained within one universe, he..she..they..similar yet different; different yet similar..amazing writing :->

Cori said...

Brilliant! Word Candy!!!!!!!

Unknown said...


manababies said...

I am not one to deal with uncertainty very well. In fact, I hate it. But this speaks of uncertainty so beautifully, like it's something to look forward to.

For some reason this reminds me of when I was younger.

Ubermensch said...

murder me for the comparision but, i loved that link piece u gave....i wrote changing perspectives long back for my journal, shall improvise and post sumtime at leisure:))

. : A : . said...

Queen Mo - I agree with you, there is a thrill in the unexpected. Thanks for coming back again and again!


Leela - Thanks for visiting. I presume your blog is the one at rediff? The link here leads to an empty blog on blogger.

Pincushion, Cori, Akshay - Thanks for your kind words.

superMANA! - Glad I could show you a different side of uncertainty.


ubermensch - Will look forward to seeing your piece!

Anonymous said...

this is so beautiful.


livinghigh said...

soft and subtle. i dunno why, i always prefer love-pieces when they are written in the first person, like this one - gives a fragment of personality, which means all the world to a hopeless romantic like me!

PS: another thing i've learnt in ,love is that, very often, all the cliches we look down upon in soap operas or romance novels, happen to be very true - for example - the fact that love often comes by when you don't want anything of the sort at all!

livinghigh said...

came back to say, that i also loved 'Pretentious' a lot - great pictuire described there. and yea, am linking to u from my blog, dude.

. : A : . said...

jey - Thanks for dropping by and your comment.

livinghigh - Agree with you that in love, many times, cliches do happen! Thanks for your observations.

. : A : . said...

livinghigh - Thanks again. Look forward to having you around!

AJ said...

Nicely done. This is one of my favorites so far.
I especially like:

And then she happened. She happened when he was not looking out.

The tone of the whole piece captures something elusive.

dewdrop said...

sigh..amazing! brilliant! lovvved it

. : A : . said...

Ariel - Thanks. Yes it was quite elusive. Glad you liked it.

dewdrop - Thanks for your appreciation and for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

lov the way u do this. frm diff angles. u may nt realise but it results in sheer magic.

. : A : . said...

sneha - Thanks!