Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Sinking City

"The city is reportedly sinking at a rate of 5cm (2in) every year, but there's too much sanùk (a peculiarly local concept of fun) going on for that to get anyone down. It's worth putting up with the coronary-inducing traffic jams, pollution, annual floods and sticky weather to experience the contrasts of the city: glass and steel buildings shaped like cartoon robots standing next to glittering temple spires; wreaths of jasmine flowers dangling from the rear-view mirrors of buses and taxis; shaven-headed, orange-robed monks walking barefoot along the street beneath a bank of giant Sony screens blasting MTV Asia."


DementedPhotographer said...

Hmmmm ... I was with you until the cartoon robots thing. I guess I need to watch more Cartoon Network. :)


Unknown said...

its bangkok ..

. : A : . said...

Yes, its Bangkok!

. : A : . said...

finnegan - Thanks for dropping by and commenting. It's a fine place to visit. :-)

Anonymous said...

There are different opinions on this subject.